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User transfer

User transfer is the notification of the intention to change the service user to another person, Where the installation location is still the same. The existing user is called the "Transferor" and the new user is called the "transferee"

Supporting documents
Individual customers : All documents must be duly signed
Copy of ID card of the transferor and transferee
Operated by the transferor. The transferee must contact the service center of both parties (if either party is inconvenient, sign authorization on a copy of the ID card and have the other party take action on their behalf))

In the case of a juristic person : All documents must be stamped and signed by the authorized director.

Copy of company certificate (not older than 3 months)
• A copy of the ID card of the authorized director
VAT registration certificate (Por Por 20)
• All documents must be signed by authorized director and company seal

Fee: none

Location : contact 3BB shop nationwide