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3BB Agent

3BB Agent is a 3BB authorized representative in community enabling the residents to be able to access the Internet. Sign up to be a 3BB Agent is great way to generate income as well.

What does a redemption look like? How do you sign up for 3BB Agent?

A Fill out registration form here or contact this number 02-100-1530.

         Residential - please provide a copy of ID card, home registration document, and bank statement.

         Corporate - please provide a copy of Phor Phor. 20 company registration, power of attorney document, ID card of power of attorney and representative. Or fill in to get a call back from 3BB staff.

What does a redemption look like? How do you know if you get approved?

A An approved 3BB Agent will receive SMS or email confirmation with username and password for accessing back office.

What does a redemption look like? What if you did not receive or forget the username or password to access the back office?

A Click "Forgot Password" on thislinkor contact designated 3BB staff.

What does a redemption look like? What to do when a customer is interested in subscribing the Internet service?

A Check area of availability. Have the customer fill out registration form with proof of identity:

          Residential - a copy of ID card

          Corporate - a copy of Phor Phor. 20 company registration

Give above documents to the designated 3BB staff.

What does a redemption look like? What is the commission for 3BB Agent?

A Commission will be received once the installation is completed. 3BB Agent can learn more on thislink